Quarantine has been a difficult time for me as a shop-exploring, gallery attending, ever-new-food-finding extrovert. One of my greatest joys is typically taking photos in the city—capturing people and architecture on Polaroid. I decided to take a class on Skillshare to keep myself inspired and get out for some socially distant self-portraits. It felt nice to dive back into a few of my favorite places and snag a few different sides of myself.
Brooklyn Bridge was the first iconic spot I visited a few years back on my virgin voyage to the city. To this day it’s still one of my favorite pieces of architecture. I’m holding my favorite film camera, a Nikon FM, which I bring with me nearly everywhere.
Prospect Park has always been my favorite little slice of nature in the city. When I first moved to Crown Heights two years ago, I realized how lucky I was to have this beautiful park at my doorstep. In Minnesota, I was always surrounded by water and greenery, which are the most meditative environments.
I’m a night-owl and create some of my best work in the inky-blue hours. This environment is where I’ve landed most of my major design jobs, spent hours illustrating, and perfecting my website. There’s something satisfying about the glow of a screen at 3:22 am when you know you’re creating something amazing.